Safe Riders

saferidersThe OFSC wants you to Take It Easy and to return home safely.

Take It Easy – Make Smart Choices: If each of us remembers to Take It Easy and ride with care and control, snowmobiling will be the most fun we can have on the snow.

After all, we all ride the trails and everyone wants to return home safely!


There are good reasons to Take It Easy:

  • Trail riding is an off-road activity. It occurs in an unpredictable and uncontrollable natural environment, so always expect the unexpected.
  • Like every power sports activity, snowmobiling carries a certain level of risk. The trick is to make smart choices, not foolish ones. By training smart and riding smart, you can learn how to Take It Easy — and to ride with care and control.


Every rider enters OFSC Prescribed trails at their own risk. Snowmobilers must know the Assumptions for OFSC Trail Use prior to using an OFSC Trail.


Steps to determine the status (accessibility) of a prescribed snowmobile trail in Ontario.

Note: This information is intended to assist snowmobilers to decide if, when and where to access open OFSC prescribed trails.